How to make the event ntuple

I've taken this from Beate's README file ( ~beate/eN/README ):
#do the following in order to setup the ntuple productioin code "eN"
setup cdfsoft2 4.1.0int3
export RCP_FILESYSTEMDB_READONLY_DIR=/cdf/disk1/tara/utilities/rcpid/rcpid/
export RCP_DB_NAMES_FILE=/cdf/disk1/tara/utilities/dbnames.txt

newrel -t 4.1.0int3 eN
cd eN
addpgk -h PADSMods
cp -r ~beate/eN/TrackingObjects .
rm -rf bin
rm -rf tmp
rm -rf lib
mkdir /cdf/disk1/$USER/bin
mkdir /cdf/disk1/$USER/lib
mkdir /cdf/disk1/$USER/tmp
ln -s /cdf/disk1/$USER/bin bin
ln -s /cdf/disk1/$USER/tmp tmp
ln -s /cdf/disk1/$USER/lib lib
gmake nobin
gmake bin
# copy across my tcl file
cp ~beate/eN/PADSMods/test/run_eN.tcl PADSMods/test/run_eN.tcl 

# when you the type which eN it should say ./bin/Linux2-KCC_4_0/eN

# to execute it you do
eN PADSMods/test/run_eN.tcl
# this will create a root ntuple (just as those I made before) called eN_Zee_MC
# I have an example of run_eN.tcl in ~beate/eN/PADSMods/test/run_eN.tcl which
# runs over the Z->ee MC files
# In the tcl file you can decide which blocks you want to incule, e.g. electron,
 muon, etc.
# you can also decide the input file and output file name (see example) 
# It is also possible to make a preselection of events, e.g. require electron Et
> 10 GeV or so
# Tara had copied the following samples
#/cdf/disk1/strip/bexo0b        photons
#/cdf/disk1/strip/jbot0a        j/psi
#/cdf/disk1/strip/jbot1a        upsilons
#/cdf/disk1/strip/jexo2a        di-Muon  (Pt>4)
#/cdf/disk1/strip/jtop0a        high Pt Muon (Pt>12)

# There is one MC sample yet:
#/cdf/disk1/mc/     Z->ee MC