How to use the Event Display

The CDF event display is a very handy tool for seeing what your events look like. Both real and simulated data can be displayed. A variety of "views" (2d, 3d, silicon, whole detector) are available. These are documented here .

How to access the event display

A version of cdfSim corresponding to code version $CDFSOFT2_DIR (the most recent frozen production version) can be found in $CDFSOFT2_DIR/bin/Linux2-KCC_4_0/evd.exe . If you really want to make your own executable, do this:

How to run the event display

You will find a script in $CDFSOFT2_DIR/bin/Linux2-KCC_4_0/ called evd . This launches the event display and generates the directives file on the fly. Normally you shouldn't need to change anything here, just make sure that at the end
$CDFSOFT2_DIR/bin/Linux2-KCC_4_0/evd.exe /tmp/evd.tcl.`whoami`
... the full path of the executable is that which you intend to use. To launch the event display, type ./evd_tcl_path data_path , where evd_tcl_path is the full directory path to your evd tcl-generating file, and data_path is the full path of the data you wish to look at.

Useful links