More information will appear here soon...

This page details a (brief history) of the Bubble Chamber, a shortend version of Keith Barnham's more detailed account. I hope to include details of past venues and winners as I collect the information!

The Bubble Chamber Football Tournament eneters it's 39th year in 2013. The Bubble Chamber was concieved by Keith Barnham and Gron Jones whilst swimming in the Mediterranean during a HEP conference. The first tournament was held in Hyde Park on the 4th October 1975, the compatition was enjoyed by both men's and women's teams from Imperial College and Birmingham and a men's team from Westfield College. Despite the cold weather the tournament was enjoyed by all and was arranged to be held in Birminham in May of 1976 in the hope of warmer weather.. It rained!

By 1977 more teams had joined the occasion with both men's and women's competitions going strong. As the years went by the tournament became more and more popular with increasing appearences of physicists off-spring becoming a welcome feature.

Some time in the early 80's the Bubble Chamber Troll made it's first appearence being awarded to the winners of the wooden spoon and although it at some point dissapeared the Troll remains a feature of the Bubble Chamber to this day. By 1987 the tournament had been running long enough to see a team of 'exiles' enter - a team comprised entirely of past competators who had since left HEP.

In the mid 90's the tournament was still going strong and was moving in to modern times; 1995 the tournamnet was held for the first time on Astroturf pitches and by 1996 it was for the first time organised over the internet! Since then the tournament has grown and grown firmly becoming the highlight of the year for HEP students and staff the country over.