# disable puppet (shouldn't have much of an effect, but may as well disable it anyway) puppet agent --disable benchmarking # create a working directory mkdir hepspec cd hepspec # copy over spec2006-1.2.tar.gz scp user@systemwithhepstoremounted:/hepstore/hepadmin/sources/spec2006-1.2.tar.gz ./ # copy over spec2k6-2.23.tar.gz (configs for HEPSPEC) scp user@systemwithhepstoremounted:/hepstore/hepadmin/hepspecs/spec2k6-2.23.tar.gz ./ # copy over runspec32-N.sh and runspec-result-sum.sh (and runspec64-N.sh if desired) scp user@systemwithhepstoremounted:/hepstore/hepadmin/hepspecs/runspec* ./ # untar spec2006 1.2 source tar zxf spec2006-1.2.tar.gz cd spec2006-1.2 # 'install' - enter 'yes' when prompted ./install.sh # make a directory for HEPSPEC config and cd into it mkdir cernconfig cd cernconfig # untar config files here, copy config files to config directory tar zxvf ../../spec2k6-2.23.tar.gz cd .. # 32 bit system default gcc config cp cernconfig/linux32-gcc_cern.cfg config/cern32.cfg # and 64 bit system default gcc config (if desired) cp cernconfig/linux64-gcc_cern.cfg config/cern64.cfg # run runspec32-N.sh for desired number of simultaneous runs, or over range # this will take a long time - it'll first compile the benchmark, then run it # e.g. ../runspec32-N.sh 1 # to check compilation and do a single run # to proceed to run through 2 to 16 runs (e.g. for dual quad-core system with HT on) for i in `seq 2 16`; do ../runspec32-N.sh $i ; done # results will be in result-{timestamp} directory, use runspec-result-sum.sh to view # suggest archiving and copying results directory for future reference tar -cvzf results.tgz result-* # when done, re-enable puppet puppet agent --enable