The University of Liverpool

VELO Module Noise Analysis Software


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Quick Start NA60 Data

The noise analysis software is the same for all three testing stages (Bare, FEB and Sensor). After taking the noise data all you have to do to run the analysis is:

Obviously, you have to specify the correct hybrid, sensor and status for your case. That's all. The analysis should take 20-30 seconds. If it is much faster something is wrong and you might consider running with a high verbosity setting and reporting the problem to me.

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NA60 Noise Analusis for the more patient

What it does

The software described here is for the noise and pedestal analysis of NA60 data taken with laser test setup at Liverpool. It does:

Setting it up

The software is installed on lhcbfe in /hcb2/user/labdata/laser_test. The installation will be kept up to date by me. All you have to do to setup the environment for the laser test analysis is this:

You have to do this only once per login to lhcbfe.

Command line interface

The interface you use when running the analysis is the wrapper script 'noiseped'. It provides several options to set output directories, switching on/off certain functionality and so on. After setting up the environment properly (see above), the script (as well as all executables it uses) will be in your path. Just type 'noiseped' to run it. If you run it without arguments or with the '-help' switch it will print a list of the available options. The order of the command line options does not matter. Three of them are mandatory, '-hybrid', '-sensor' and '-status'. So the most simple command line for running the noise analysis is

In normal operation this is all you need. The script will determine input and output locations from the hybrid number and sensor. You do not have to worry about moving the result in the proper location. After 20-30 seconds the analysis should finish and the data base will find the results where expexted.

In case things go wrong, e.g. the analysis is suspicously fast, you might want to try some of the available options in order to identify the source of problem:

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Analysing data from the burnin test

What it does

The software described here is for the noise and pedestal analysis of TELL1 data taken with the burnin system at Liverpool. It does:

Setting it up

The software is installed on lhcbfe in /lhcb2/user/labdata/burnin/VETRA/. The installation will be kept up to date by me. All you have to do to setup the environment for the burnin test analysis is this:

The setup script will take a while to run since the software is implemented in the Gaudi framework which is considerably more complicated than the simple NA60 standalone setup. The setup script will automatically place you in the /lhcb2/user/labdata/burnin/VETRA/Velo/Vetra/v1r3/job directory and print some usage instructions to the console. You have to run the setup script only once per login to lhcbfe.

Command line interface

The interface you use when running the analysis is the wrapper script 'binoiseped'. It provides several options to set output directories, switching on/off certain functionality and so on. After setting up the environment properly (see above), you'll find yourself in the directory where the wrapper scripts resides. Just type './binoiseped' to run it. If you run it without arguments or with the '-help' switch it will print a list of the available options. The order of the command line options does not matter. Two of them are mandatory, '-hybrid' and '-sensor'. So the most simple command line for running the burnin noise analysis is

In normal operation this is all you need. The script will determine input and output locations from the hybrid number and sensor. You do not have to worry about moving the result in the proper location. The script (or rather the program it launches) is more verbose than NA60 analysis software. You'll see the full output the Vetra executable.

The most common problem with the burnin analysis are wrong file permissions of an already existing <Phi | R>/Results/Burnin directory. If you encounter this contact the person who owns the directory. If that fails, contact either me or David Hutchcroft and we will set the proper permissions.

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