About Research Teaching Publications

Carl Gwilliam




Current Research





Current Teaching

Introduction to Computational Physics (PHYS105)


First year Laboratory (PHYS106)



Despite the huge success of the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics in describing nature, it has several short comings. In particular, it offers no explanation for cosmological observations such as the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe or the nature of Dark Matter and Dark Energy. These fundamental issues motivate my research, which focuses on searches for new physics beyond the SM.

I gained a Ph.D. in experimental particle physics from the University of Manchester on the H1 Experiment at DESY. Currently, I am a Professor at the University of Liverpool, working on the ATLAS and FASER Experiments at CERN.


ATLAS 2006 - Current

My early ATLAS research focused on searching for the much-sought Higgs boson. I used the first LHC data to search for a heavy SM Higgs boson not accessible at previous colliders, significantly constraining the allowed mass range. Following this, I made a significant contribution to the first LHC search for the dominant low-mass H → bb decay using the 7 TeV ATLAS data.

Since the Higgs discovery, I have focused on searching for physics beyond the SM (BSM). I initiated and led searches for additional BSM Higgs bosons, predicted in many models, in the lepton + jet final state using the 8 TeV ATLAS data. I then spearheaded the first run-2 ATLAS Higgs searches as ATLAS BSM Higgs subgroup convener, probing several BSM models.

I have subsequently utilised the SM Higgs boson as a new-physics probe. With the early 13 TeV data, I played a major role in the novel search for dark matter recoiling against a Higgs boson decaying to two b-jets. As ATLAS Exotics Diboson and Multilepton (DBL) subgroup convener, I oversaw the searches for new diboson resonances with the 2015+16 data, probing uncharted masses. I led the search for Higgs pair production in the HH → bbττ decay, establishing the world's best limit on the SM non-resonant di-Higgs cross section

From 2018-2020, I led the ATLAS BSM search programme as Exotics Working group convener, overseeing over 500 international physicists producing a wide-range of new phublications using the full run-2 LHC data.

I currently study the Higgs mechanism by continuing to search for the as-yet-unobserved HH production, which provides a unique probe of the Higgs potential and hence the underlying mechanism for mass generation. I also search generically for new physics and have particular interests in Dark Matter and Lepton Flavour Violation.

Besides physics analysis, I have contributed significantly to ATLAS track reconstruction software and the identification and calibration of jets originating from b-quarks. I am currently ramping up my involvement in the silicon tracker replacement for the High-Luminosity LHC upgrade, where I am involved in the production database.

FASER2020 - Current

Liverpool joined the FASER experiment to search for new light, weakly-interacting particles (such as dark photons and ALPs) down-stream of ATLAS in summer 2020. I am currently working on the simulation and digitisation of the FASER calorimeter, comparing the results with test-beam data. With the start of run-3 LHC data-taking, I am leading the FASER physics exploitation as joint Physics Convener.

LUX/LUX-Zeplin 2017 - 2020

My LUX/LZ focus was on using EFTs to extend the classic spin-(in)depndent results to probe more complext dark sectors and allow direct detection results to be better compared with colliders. I contributed to the LUX run-4 EFT analysis. On LUX-Zeplin, I originated the analysis software framework and provided support for the UK Data Centre to prepare for first data.


Undergraduate Lectures

  • Introduction to Computational Physics (1st year)2020--current
  • Computational Physics (2nd year)2020--2021
  • Visual Optics II (2nd year)2011--2013

Undergraduate Laboratory

  • First year laboratory2022--present
  • X-ray diffraction (3rd year)2012--2014

Postgraduate Lectures

  • Dirac Equation and Matrix Element Calculations 2020--2024
  • Introduction to Programming in C++ 2006--2014

Postgraduate Supervision

  • Pawan: FASER2024--present
  • Sinead Eley: FASER2023--present
  • Bhupesh Dixit: HH → bbττ2022--present
  • Conor McPartland: τ → 3μ2020--present
  • Lottie Cavanagh: FASER γdark and ALPS2020--2024
  • Zhiyuan (Jordan) Li: HH → bbττ2018--2022
  • Emily Graham: HH → bbττ2015--2019
  • Ellis Kay: W' → eν 2014--2018


  • Physics Department Disability Coordinator 2022--present


I am a lead author on >30 journal publications. For a full list of my publications please see inspires