8th International Workshop on
Deep-Inelastic Scattering
Please note that there will be no information bulletins for this conference.
Instead this page will be updated regularly as details are finalised. Be
sure you have the latest by reloading in your WWW browser. This page underwent
a major update 23/3/00.
The proceedings of DIS2000 will be made available in the following ways:
The overheads used
by plenary speakers on day 1 will be made available through this WWW page
as soon as possible.
The overheads used
by speakers in the Physics Working Groups' (PWG) parallel sessions will
be made available by the convenors of the Physics Working Groups through
the appropriate WWW pages (PWG1,
The proceedings of the DIS2000 workshop will be published by World Scientific.
Each plenary speaker (days 1 and 5) must deliver a write-up of her/his
talk(s) to the editors of the published proceedings, John
Gracey and Tim Greenshaw,
at the latest Friday June 16th 2000. This deadline for receipt of contributions
will be enforced without exception by the editors because otherwise substantial
additional publication costs will accrue.
Each contribution by a plenary speaker to the proceedings
must be prepared in ``camera ready" postscript file with the World Scientific
style files;
must be submitted as a ``camera ready" postscript file by e-mail to disproc@hep.ph.liv.ac.uk
with the word Plenary in the subject field together with the surname
(family name) of the first author;
will be rejected and returned to the author(s) if it does not use
the World Scientific style files, if it has been prepared with a modification
to these files, if it exceeds the number of pages allocated by the editors
to the speaker's presentation, or if a footnote appears indicating that
the talk was presented at DIS2000.
The maximum number of pages available for each plenary speaker (days
1 and 5) are as follows:
30 minutes (including discussion) 8 pages; 45
minutes (including discussion) 12 pages; 60 minutes (including
discussion) 15 pages.
These page limits will be enforced without exception by the editors because
otherwise substantial additional publication costs will accrue.
The organisation of the contributions for the proceedings describing the
work of the parallel sessions which are run by each PWG is the responsibility
of the convenors of that PWG and the editors John
Gracey and Tim Greenshaw
convenors will organise the details of the contents of the pages of
the written proceedings. The editors will subsequently receive the
contributions from those whom the convenors have asked to write
pages by at the latest Friday June 16th 2000. This deadline
for receipt of contributions will be enforced without exception by the
editors because otherwise substantial additional publication costs will
The contributions to the proceedings by each PWG:
must be prepared in ``camera ready" postscript file with the World Scientific
style files;
must be submitted by the speaker as one or more files in ``camera ready"
postscript file by e-mail to disproc@hep.ph.liv.ac.uk; each submitted
file must have the word PWGn in the subject field (n = 1, 2, 3 or
4) together with the surname (family name) of the first author of
the contribution or contributions in that file and with the number of pages
in that file;
will be rejected and returned to the sender if the contributions
do not use the World Scientific style files, if they have been prepared
with a modification to these files, if they exceed the number of
pages allocated by the editors to each PWG, or if a footnote appears indicating
that the talk was presented at DIS2000.
The maximum number of pages available for each PWG is 125.
This does not include the plenary reports of the convenors on day
5, whose allocations are specified above in the instructions for the plenary
speakers. This page limitation will be enforced without exception by the
editors because otherwise substantial additional publication costs will
The organisers look forward to a well recorded meeting!